queries within Australia
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or (03)-9830 7230, Sydney (02) 95873203 or email to

queries outside Australia
please contact an eTranslate office located near you.
For Specific email Inquiries, please email the following
If you need eTranslate to globalize your product, build
you a custom engineered multilingual solution, and/or
manage large translation projects - email 
If you need technical support with an eTranslate product,
online application, and/or service . email 
If you need assistance with your account and payments
- email 
If you need to discuss opportunities in the areas of
global distribution, joint product development, or synergetic
partnership - email 
If you need to submit a cover letter and resume to eTranslate
Human Resources - email
For all other inquiries . email 
locations for your nearest eTranslate office