Editing Tools
A key factor of Meridium is the built-in easy editing tools.
The web-based WYSIWYG editor, which generates HTML code,
is as easy to use as MS Word. It offers the following
- Standard font formatting such as bold, italic and
underlining text.
- Cascading style sheets to control all content appearance
- Standard content appearance throughout a site.
- Basic content formatting such as aligned paragraphs,
numbered & bulleted lists and indent options.
- Table controlled content
- Background colours and images.
- Linking within the site and to external sites.
- Selecting items for view form the document management
system (DMS), images, Pdf’s and word documents
to name a few.
- Spell checker
All of the above features are available for editing
in rendered or html mode allowing editors with no experience
of editing internet content the same abilities as experienced
html users.