Maron is a real-time multi-currency
Internet payment processing service
that allows businesses to trade
in over 150 currencies. Funds
are then deposited into any bank
account around the world in one
of 16 currencies, including US
Dollars, British Pounds and the
This creates a comfortable shopping
environment for the end user
because they can pay in their
home currency.
Maron offers e-commerce merchants
the flexibility to choose the
currency they wish to receive
as well as charge, while avoiding
foreign currency conversion and
the associated currency risk.
Most payment processors restrict
companies to "single currency" Internet
credit card transactions.
Maron enables companies to transact
in as many currencies as they
wish, providing multi-currency
processing for the Internet.
Maron allows companies outside
the US to deal in US Dollars,
which is the default currency
on the Internet. Many overseas
customers are reluctant to buy
from companies outside the US
because of uncertainty surrounding
currency exchange and the legitimacy
of the merchant. Maron allows
non-US Internet merchants to
display their prices in US Dollars,
without worrying about currency
exchange, thus strengthening
consumer confidence in non-US
e-commerce sites.
benefits to you are:
There is no need to open a foreign
company in order to accept foreign
currency, so you reduce the costs
associated with accepting foreign
Increased customer confidence
in your business because you
are trading in a well accepted
currency such as US Dollars,
British Pounds and the Euro
You can create a comfortable
shopping environment for your
clients by letting them pay in
their home currency without having
to convert currency
Centralised operations as you
only need to establish a company
in one location, but can be paid
in as many different currencies
as you want
Simplified integration because
there is absolutely no software
to install
Unparalleled security using Industry
Strength SSL encryption
Accurate and reliable international
credit card processing
Maron accepts all major credit
cards, including Visa, MasterCard,
Diners, Amex, JCB, Bankcard,
as well as European debit cards.
how it works

1. The customer enters their personal and credit card details into a webform
on the merchant's site using a secure web interface (e.g. Internet Explorer).
2. Details are securely logged in the merchant's database and transmitted to
the Maron –Pure Commerce Transaction Server.
3. The Maron –Pure Commerce Transaction Server transmits the details
to the appropriate financial institutions for validation via a non-traceable,
SET connection.
4. Steps 1, 2, 3, are then reversed. If the transaction is approved by the
credit card company funds are withdrawn from the customer's account. The customer
is given access to what they have paid for. If the transaction is declined,
a response is sent back to the merchant and the customer is informed.
5. Funds that are withdrawn from the customer's account are settled to the
credit card company's non-interest bearing trust account.
6. Credit card companies remit total funds in original currency directly to
merchant's bank account every 14 working days.
Time Credit Card Transactions
Transactions that go through the Maron transaction server
are authorised in real-time. A typical transaction takes
approximately 3-5 seconds.
Control Console
Maron also allows you to perform manual transactions
through our secure web interface called Mission Control.
Mission Control has many functions, one of which is
that it can act as a virtual swipe terminal. Mission
Control is completely web based, so you can conduct
manual transactions from any web browser. Communicating
with the Mission Control is secured via SSL. It is password
and user id protected.
Maron Can Accept:
Maron is now able to issue with merchant status for your e-business.
are Merchant Services?
In order to process payments via the Internet, it is necessary to acquire merchant
status to process electronic payments. If your business already has merchant
status for a real-world business, you will still need to apply for electronic
merchant status.
do I apply?
In the past, electronic merchant status could only be acquired from a bank.
Maron is now able to issue merchant status to Internet merchants, through a
strategic alliance with a financial institution within the European banking
Many businesses have found that acquiring merchant status is the most time
consuming process in developing an e-business. Banks often refuse merchant
status, because a company is either too young or they are in high-risk industries.
Many banks will not issue merchant status at all because they do not understand
the e-commerce industry.
Maron merchant services remove this burden, because we arrange for merchant
status to be issued.
The benefits for Internet merchants are:
- You only need to deal with one company rather than an e-commerce provider
and a bank.
- Because Maron issues merchant status, there is a much faster time-to-market.
This is very important in the Internet industry, where companies who establish
a web presence first have a market advantage. This is evidenced by such
internet companies as Amazon.com, e-bay and Yahoo.
Mission Control is a web-based application that comes free of charge for Maron
merchants. It provides:
- make on-line credit card payment transactions
- search for existing transactions
- create real-time reports
- change their login information
- log problems to Maron via the Internet
- share in the latest Maron news
These functions can be performed from any web browser. Mission Control is secured
via SSL and is user ID and password protected.
With Maron funds can be settled into any bank account around the world. Settlement
occurs every 14 days
Why is there a holding account?
The holding account exists for each client, because banks can not settle for
each transaction. Therefore, all transactions are settled into the credit card
companies' holding account which are settled in batches to the merchants bank
and Auditing
Each sale made through Maron is electronically documented. General ledger data
is provided in several different formats, such as, text or excel spreadsheet.
Taxation reports are also provided to merchants so that any legal requirements
of your home country can be easily fulfilled.
Only Maron merchants can view transaction reports 24 hours a day seven days
a week. Virtual merchants can view live transaction reports online through
our secure, password protected Mission Control. This allows you to monitor
the number and type of transactions you are processing at any time of the day
or night. Only Maron merchants have access to this restricted area.
A settlement report will be e-mailed or faxed to the merchant when funds have
been transferred to their nominated bank account.
American Dollars |
Australian Dollar |
Austrian Schilling |
Belgian Franc |
Canadian Dollar |
Danish Kroner |
Dutch Guilder |
British Pound |
Euro |
Finnish Mark |
French Franc |
German Mark |
Greek Drachma |
Hong Kong Dollar |
Indian Rupees |
Irish Pound |
Italian Lire |
Japanese Yen |
Malaysian Ringgit |
Mexican Peso |
New Zealand Dollar |
Norwegian Kroner |
Pakistan Rupees |
Philippine Pesos |
Portuguese Escudos |
Singapore Dollars |
South African Rand |
Spanish Pesetas |
Swedish Kroner |
Swiss Francs |
Taiwan Dollar |
Thai Baht |
Maron uses military strength encryption to ensure that
all information is transmitted securely.
Maron is extremely quick and easy to integrate, because
there is absolutely no software to install. Integration
is done through an SSL Post.
Using the one URL, you can process test transactions
and live transactions. Test transactions are performed
when setting up your site and testing transactions.
Maron allows you to send through transactions free of
any charge and ensure your communication is correct.
When you are satisfied with your test transactions and
you are ready to roll your system into the production
environment you can begin live transactions. The money
will actually be credited to your account when transactions
are approved. Transactions are billed, credit cards
are charged and products or services are sold.
with Maron Pure Commerce Translation Server
There are two ways to communicate with the Transaction
- Using form posting to send data directly to the server
- Via Mission Control - a secure web interface for manual
Using Form Posting to Send Data to The Maron Pure Commerce
Transaction Server
Maron provides the developer with a set of simple protocols
for communicating with the Transaction Server while providing
the complete functionality of a piece of credit card processing
hardware. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) is used to do the
communication between the web server and the Maron Pure
Commerce Transaction Server. Most servers have SSL pre-installed,
thus, development of your project is easier and faster.
SSL embraces in itself a true industry strength asymmetric
model of cryptography that makes use of public and private
keys for encryption and decryption. The benefit is that
the web server manages the whole of the session management
and key exchange. It is completely behind the scenes, completely
transparent to the user and the application as well.
Mission Control
Mission Control has many functions, one of which is that
it can act as a virtual swipe terminal. Mission Control
gives you the ability to conduct manual transactions from
any web browser.
- Great for call centres
- Perform reversals manually should it be required
- Search for transactions, user details, and bank responses
- Adds functionality to a legacy system
- Generate reports, graphs and tables for statistical purposes
Communicating with the Mission Control is secured via
SSL. It is password and user id protected.
Maron has a once off license fee, which covers the set-up
of the payment facilities. Transactions are charged
a flat fee per transaction based on a sliding scale.
The greater the transaction rate, the lower the price
per transaction. Maron incurs a monthly administration
Contact us for further information – Post your
query now.
Contact us for further information –
Post your query now