Meridium is a multi-language capable CMS. Unlike other
products that just simply allow pages to be added to
the site "ad hoc" Meridium has a powerful structure
for the manaagement of multiple language sites.
One Meridium site can be run in many different languages
including double byte languages such as Chinese and
Japanese. Workflow and permissions integrate with the
foreign language module to allow approval processes
to be maintained across many languages from a central
control point.
Meridium Multi-Language Features
- One page can be displayed in many languages
- When a page is updated in one language, content
editors/translators for the other lanuages assigned
to that page are notified and can update their language
- Search is enabled in the selected language when
a user is browsing the site.
- Metadata is language specific for each page
- Language specific templates make is very easy to
have the site display the same page differently for
a given language i.e if you are browsing in Chinese
the language will flow down the page rather than accross.
- Realtime viewing of languages when editing content.
It is very easy for editors to switch between languages
when editing content
- Translation management engine - Meridium does not automatically
translate content, rather it has an integrated Translation
Management Engine that allows Human translators to
easily, accurately and quickly translate content