In any content management system, workflow is an integral
issue. The Meridium Workflow has been developed based on
user input from corporate clients.
In an ideal world, workflow follows a linear model,
where each person in the chain needs to complete their
step before it progresses. But this is not the way the
business world actually works!
The Meridium Workflow process is as follows:
- A Content Editor creates or edits
a Container, sets a publication date for the content
to go live and submits the content for publication.
- A Content Publisher reviews the
content submitted for publication and either approves,
re-edits or declines the submission.
- On approval, the content is queued for publication
to the live site at the time specified by the publication
- If the content is declined, the Content
Editor is informed by email and no content
changes are actioned.

Content editing and publication is limited by permissions.
Content Editors can only edit content
they have appropriate permissions to edit, and Content
Publishers can only publish content for which
they have permission.
A MeridiumMaster role which enables instant editing and
publishing is also available.