should attend
The seminar will be designed to cater for personnel who
have regular contact with overseas client. This may be
by way of travel to overseas to conduct business but
also in the form of receiving visitors from overseas
into their local office or simply via regular telephone
contact, correspondence or electronic media.
Format of seminar
The half-day seminar is designed to introduce participants
to some cross-cultural social and business issues. Participants
will be introduced to the foreign culture via a powerpoint
presentation format and interactive discussion led by
a overseas cross-cultural trainer. A luncheon will be
served on-site at the client’s office at the end
of the training highlighting the foreign banquetting
etiquette and table manners.
Topics to be covered
Topics of presentation and discussion generally touch
on two main areas : everyday culture and business ethics.
1. General information about the target country and the
(population, ethnic diversity & religions, brief geographical & historical
2. Traditions, customs & courtesies & western expectations
3. Traditional dress / everyday clothing / business attire
4. Non-verbal communication : body language & facial gesture etc.
5. Verbal communication : introductions & presentation of business card
Business Ethics
1. Economy & politics
2. Negotiation techniques
3. The concept of time and punctuality
4. On being a guest & associated etiquette : entertaining counterpart/being
entertained by
5. Creating an environment of harmony, trust and respect & establishing authority
Participants will be provided with a comprehensive booklet containing ample information
on all topics.
For more information, please email info@etranslate.biz