This course introduces Globalization concepts on a technical
level. In particular the locale, script and encoding
concepts are introduced with focus on standardization
efforts. The course also addresses the need for Globalization
requirements in product planning and specifications.
Audience: The course is designed for interested management
and staff. This course is recommended as a prerequisite
for most of our other courses.
Duration: The course is approximately 2 hours in duration.
This course has the following prerequisites.
1. Difference between Internationalization and Localization
2. Locales: a. Languages, b. Regions, Territories, Countries,
c. Formats and Units, d. ISO 639 and ISO 3166 (POSIX)
and newer Standards
3. Scripts of the world: a. Character Sets (Unicode,
ASCII, ANSI, JIS, etc.), b. Encoding schemes, c. Fonts
and Glyphs
4. Globalization requirements (Marketing requirements,
product requirements and specifications)
5. Compendium of various development environment internationalization
6. Question & Answer