– Content Management System
Meridium is an Enterprise Global Content Management
system for Internet, Intranet, Extranet and Portal sites.
The table below shows the base features of Meridium
CMS at a glance. For more indepth information on individual
features click the "features" menu on the
left hand navigation.
For digital assest and document management Meridium
has an integrated document management system. Details
of the DMS are detailed in the DMS section of this site.
Users/Security |
Reporting |
Management |
- Granular permissions down to a single content
- Additional security via SSL encryption
- Logging and auditing
- Easy integration with firewalls
- LDAP / Aactive Directory
- Visitor sessions
- Most popular pages
- Page execution time
- Visitors by country
- Search words and phrases
- Path through the site
- Export graph data to Excel
- Permissions based reports
- Entry and exit points
- Bi-directional link management
- Automatic adjustment when moving pages
- Link consistency
- Search friendly URL's
Extensibility |
Search |
Internationalization |
- Java, XML, and .Net integration
- J2EE compliant
- Web services interface (SOAP)
- Meridium API with over 1000 custom functions
- OOP core model - events, listeners, handlers
- Verity full text search
- Separate collections for each section
- Automatic reindex
- Search friendly URL's
- Ability to integrate custom collections
- Localized GUI
- Multi-language support
- Translation management service
- UTF-8 encoding
Separation of Content
and Design |
Workflow |
Navigation |
- Powerful templating system
- Delegation and inheritance
- Cascading layout templates
- Content re-use
- Extensive scripting API for templates
- Linear or non-linear workflow
- Compare content view
- Notification and task lists
- Time-controlled publishing
- Custom workflow rules
- Automatic generation of sitemaps, index
pages, table of contents, and keyword lists
- Automatic updating of micronavigation (breadcrumbs)
and menus
- Pre-built navigation components
Pre-built Plugins |
Editor |
Technical Requirements |
- News and events module
- Press release module
- Integrated forums
- FAQ's
- E-commerce store
- Survey tools
- Booking systems
- In-line editing
- Styles based edior
- Ability to easily switch to other editors
- Editing at a page or object level
- Platforms: SUN Solaris, Linux, Windows 2000/XP
- Databases: MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server,Postgres
- Clients: I.E 5.5 + / Mozilla 1.4 +
- Webserver: Apache, IIS, Zeus
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