Document and digital asset management is key to the
functionality of any Intranet, Internet or Extranet
site. Meridium has a powerful and fully integrated Document
Management System which provides the ability to store,
version, categorise and limit access (via permissions)
to documents and files.
Intelligent behaviours - one of Meridium's unique features
is the ability to apply runtime behaviours to files.
Behaviours can be easily scripted via the Meridium API
and can provide such functionality as:
- Making images display icons that pop up to larger
versions of the file.
- Using properties or meta data associated with the
file to determine how it is displayed at runtime.
Users/Security |
Reporting |
Versioning |
- Granular permissions down to a single document
- Inherited Permissions
- Logging and auditing
- LDAP / Aactive Directory
- Document locking - check in/out
- Track click throughs
- Changed documents
- New document created on change
- Roll-back on
Extensibility |
Workflow |
- Web services interface (SOAP)
- Meridium API with over 100 custom DMS functions
- OOP core document model - easily add custom
events, properties to document object.
- Verity full text search
- Separate collections for each document object.
- Automatic reindex
- Ability to integrate custom collections
- Liner and non-linear workflow
- Workflow inheitence
- Custom workflow rules
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